Thursday, March 21, 2013

AquaNotes Review/Giveaway

So a few weeks ago I was given the AMAZING opportunity to review the AquaNotes Waterproof Tablets and I have to admit, they more then exceeded my expectations! The waterproof tablet is AMAZING!!!

So lets get right into it! I'm a stay at home mother of 2 young kids and I am always on the go. Most days the only time I am EVER ALONE is when I am in the shower. It is literally the only time I can hear myself think. The only time I can actually complete a thought without hearing "Mommy, where's my shoes", "Jonathon's touching me", "She stuck her tongue out at me"... You get the picture right?
On top of having a crazy hectic life you all know about my obsessive LOVE of list making!!!
Seriously, there is no better feeling to me then a pen on paper.. Sigh*  So, naturally you can understand how  the concept of mixing 2 of my favorite things (showering and list making) can make me burst with excitement!
AquaNotes Waterproof Tablets does just that!

completely submerged in the bathtub! 

They are amazing!!! I have to admit I had my doubts. I thought they would fall apart in the shower, or the pencil would smear and be really sloppy, but that is just NOT the case. The tablet is AWESOME! It can be completely submerged under water and you can still write on it. After I wrote on the paper I actually used my fingers and tried to rub it off under the water and it didn't even smudge. The eraser, however does an unbelievable job of removing the lead without smearing or ripping the paper. I can not give this product enough praise!!! It truly exceeded my expectations and I would recommend it to everyone I know!


after using the eraser*

When my notepad is gone I will definitely be ordering more!and you can too:)
Check out there website for more information and to order some AquaNotes goodies of your own!

No more good ideas down the drain!

AquaNotes also has some fun waterproof puzzle and maze tablets as well, to make your shower or bath just a little more fun:)

And now AquaNotes is giving me an extra AquaNotes Waterproof Tablet and Pencil to give to one of you LUCKY Bella Caiden Readers!!!
Please enter below for a chance to win!!! Good Luck!!!
AquaNotes Giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I do my best thinking when I wake up in the morning, before I get out of bed.
