Wednesday, April 10, 2013

MIA... AquaNotes Winner!!!

Hello my bloggy friends! I am soooo terribly sorry I have been gone for so long.
 I have been SO sick!!! 
I'm talking laying on the couch all day, can't swallow, or turn my neck SICK! 
It seems to be never ending because every time I feel a little better I wake up twice as bad!
 Like most mommy's out there when I'm sick I fall SO far behind on everything.. dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, and especially this little old blog of mine. So while I'm catching up on all that super fun stuff, I wanted to stop in and let you all know why I have been gone and also announce 
the winner of the AquaNotes giveaway!!!

drum roll please....

The Winner is...

Thank you so much to everyone who entered!!! 
I honestly appreciate all of my readers more then I can ever explain and can't wait to bring you many more chances to win some awesome prizes. 

In the mean time here is a sneak peek of what is coming up on the blog! 

1 comment:

  1. Although I didn't win, I'm happy for them!!
    I can't wait to see what's coming up(;
