Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More Goodwill Fun!

So lately I have been having the BEST luck at Goodwill!!!! 
It all started when I got this awesome Fork & Spoon for my kitchen wall.

Then I found these little treasures!!!! Okay so maybe they weren't the most beautiful thing the day I bought them, but for $1.97 each I just couldn't pass them up! 

I just knew these would make the perfect chairs for Sierra's American Girl doll and Bella's knock-off American Girl doll:) What can I say, she is 4 and those babies are expensive!!! 

So a good wash and a few cans of spray paint later and tada!!!!

The girls were excited they got to pick their colors! Bella chose purple... No surprise there! and Sierra wanted green, which turned out awesome... If I do say so myself:) 
We have plans of adding some vinyl to spruce them up a bit, so I'll keep you posted! 

Best part? The girls absolutely LOVE them:)

1 comment:

  1. They turned out really cute, I love the colors they chose too(:
