Monday, February 4, 2013

UGH!!!! Stupid Tiny Toys!!!

So every once in a blue moon my husband comes up with a brilliant idea that totally reminds me why I keep him around. His latest mind blowing idea happened while we were Christmas shopping at Home Depot. I was super stressed about how messy the house was (covered floor to ceiling with toys) and freaking out about the fact that after Christmas there was going to be EVEN MORE! Ugh!!! During my breakdown at the depot I must have mumbled about my hatred for Polly Pockets... curse them tiny rubber toys. 

They have recently become Bella's favorite toy and thanks to her favorite cousin, Sierra, she is quickly accumulating a TON of them. I knew she was going to be getting several new sets for Christmas as well, which was totally causing me a panic attack. You see my little princess has the tendency to dump the entire container of teeny tiny pieces ALL OVER the floor so she can find one particular dress or shirt, etc. Ugh!

So then my hubby showed me these!!!!!! hallelujah hallelujah!!!!!! Actually I'm totally lying... at first I was like... "No way, this is the dumbest idea EVER", "Bella is NEVER going to keep them in there" "They are never going to fit in there". Somehow he talked me into buying them anyway... the fact that together they weren't even $8 definitely helped his case.  

So we got home and the hubby did the most amazing thing ever! He sat in the floor and organized Polly Pockets parts:)  I was so proud. Eat your heart out ladies!! 

Then he put all his little organized piles into separate compartments!! Doesn't this look wayyyyy prettier!!! 

You would NEVER guess how much stuff actually fit in there, so OCD me took a count for you:)
 17 dolls (in one compartment- CRAZY RIGHT?)
19 dresses
5 pair of shorts
6 swim suits
9 accessories
16 pairs of shoes
9 purses
11 pairs of pants
8 jackets
and 36 shirts 

Now she even has a little kit that she can take with her when she goes to visit Grandma:) 
Your welcome Mom! 

And of course now that I got my fancy new Silhouette Cameo I couldn't resist making a

... and then another! :)

Lesson learned!!! Sometimes it's a good idea to listen to the hubby.... just don't tell him I said that! 


  1. Very good idea (hubby)! And I love the decals for the boxes(;
    Would you like bring your OCD and come over and organize some of my stuff? {it was worth a shot}

  2. Those storage cases are AWESOME~! I have several!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  3. I think I need to head to home depot! Our polly pocket storage is not nearly as organized as this!! Thanks for the great idea!

  4. I have some of these for my jewelry supplies, hadn't thought to use them for kid toys but it's a great idea!

  5. Can you link to what product this is? We need some of these!
