Thursday, November 15, 2012

Package Pals!

Yay!!! Package Pal time again:) These are my absolute favorite posts to write!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Package Pal exchange over at C.R.A.F.T. It is such an awesome opportunity to get to know a fellow crafter/blogger! and it just so happens to be how I met my own bloggy BFF, all about that here and here. Please go check out all of Jamie's awesome creations and definitely be sure to join in during the next Package Pal exchange!!! I promise you won't be disappointed.
So this go around I was paired up with the super cute, Stefani over at Miss Jo and Co... be sure to show her some love! 
She sent me this really great package, which included a mixed CD, a box of her favorite cookies, some hot and cold packs, some hair tie scarfs, and a little tote! I absolutely loved everything! Bella has been using the tote to carry around some of her Barbies and the cookies were DELICIOUS:) mmmmmmm Now I just have to try to find them where I live?

Photo courtesy of Miss Jo and Co
I apologize there are not more pictures of my amazing goodies
 but my camera is being a stinker today and not cooperating;(

 Stefani blogs EVERYDAY... boy is that dedication. That is something I have never been able to accomplish or really stick to and that fact that she was able to pull that off with a toddler showed me just how much her blog must mean to her. So I decided to paint her a little sign with the name of her blog on it.
I sent Stefani a pair of super cute mustache earrings too. My friend Chacoy sent me a pair a few months back and I LOVED them... (and so did my niece)  so I decided to order some extras for gifts:)
I also noticed that we both pinned these super cute blocks on pinterest. I had pinned them a while back because I just knew Bella would love them, so I assumed her little gal would LOVE them too:) I also included a little cinch bag to hold all of the blocks.
I also included this jumbo clothes pin, which I stained and mod podged and also some fun goodies from my new Saline Ambassadors kit (more on that tomorrow).
Last but not least I decided to send her some super SUPER super yummy sticky buns from my local Amish bakery. I LOVE living in Amish Country. I love driving by nothing but corn fields and horse and buggies. I was born and raised here and I can't imagine life anywhere else and boy oh boy do those Amish ladies know how to bake. These are from my favorite bakery and they were so fresh they couldn't even wrap them because they were still hot:) mmmmm... It was killing me not to eat just one before I sent them!
So there you have it... I am already looking forward to the next swap! Thanks so much to Stefani for all the amazing gifts and to Jamie for organizing the BEST craft swaps ever:) I <3 Package Pals!!!



  1. WOW! What an awesome, thoughtful package yo usent :) Just curious... where did you get those mustache earrings? THANK YOU for participating in Oct. PP :)

  2. How fun! Those sticky buns look sooooooo good, I would have had to get 2 one for me and one for my partner! Haha
    I love all the stuff you made and received and am kinda sad now that I didn't participate this time:(
