Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!

I'm baaackkkk! I know I've been MIA for a few months now since the passing of my dad. It has been a very rough couple of months, but I am happy to say I am officially ready to jump back on my bloggy bus and get this show on the road!

Ugh! Have I mentioned how much I hate hurricanes? Well good old Hurricane Sandy decided to grace the northeast with her presence a few weeks back. Knowing that she was coming my Mom and I decided to throw the kids a little "spur of the moment" Halloween party since we were pretty certain that trick or treat night was going to get washed out. Yes I know Halloween has come and gone, (better late then never, right?)  but  I thought I would share with you guys a little of what we did.
Happy Halloween!

Disclaimer: This post is in no way sponsored by the Dollar Tree... but totally should be:) I love that place!

Decorations.... banners, glass decals, streamers, spider web, cupcake stand, candy bowls, tablecloth, blow up ghost, pumpkin cut out, skeleton straws - all purchased from the Dollar Tree

Whats a party without games, right?  My sons favorite by far was knocking down the ghosts with the beanbags. This was such a simple game to make. I took toilet paper rolls (which we already had) and wrapped them in white tissue paper (found at the Dollar Tree, lol) and simply used a black marker and drew eyes and a mouth on them. The kids loved it!

Bella's favorite was the pinata, because that girl LOVES candy! I remember when I used to make pinatas for the kiddos birthday parties and I would paper mache balloons. It was so time consuming and messy and they always broke fairly quickly so not everyone got a chance to hit it. Never again, discovering paper bag pinatas was a life changing moment. :) If you not sure what a paper bag pinata is it is quite simple. It is a paper bag (in this case I used 2) which is filled with candy, then the top is folded a hanger and taped shut... decorate as desired!!!! So simple right? In this case I doubled the thickness by using 2 bags and decorated it with a roll of black streamers from the Dollar Tree and a few glittery pumpkin cutouts, also found at the Dollar Tree.


We also played "Pin the Wart on the Witch". I found the idea for the game HERE. I printed out the template and made the witch the best that I could. I changed a lot of the colors because I simply didn't have the right colors and I left out a few pieces that I just didn't like. For warts we used green pom pom (from the Dollar Tree) and plain old scotch tape. The rest is pretty self explanatory.

For our final activity we had a scavenger hunt and all of the kids loved it. We let the older girls go first and then re-hid the clues for the little guys. I got most of the clues off this website found HERE. I picked the clues that I liked and hand wrote them onto fun Halloween scrapbooking paper since my printer was on the fritz and it was way quicker to just write them down. The prize at the end of the scavenger hunt was the kiddos goodie bags filled with fun little trinkets from .... you guessed it, the Dollar Tree. I used some black ribbon and made little tags for each bag.

The kids had such a blast!!!! and for a last minute thing I would say it was quite a success!!!! We won't let know hurricane stop us from having a good time!!!!

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