Saturday, February 16, 2013

LOVE by Jonathon & Bella Boozer

So I must confess I am totally stealing this idea from one of favorite blogs, Lena B, Actually. I love reading Lena's blog and when I saw her interview with her children (found here)  I just knew I had to steal it:) After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... Right???? :) 

So, I sat down with the kiddos and asked them their opinions about love and Valentine's day!!! 
Please keep in mind Jonathon will be 6 years old next Friday and Bella is 4 years old. 

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?
Bella: "For Jesus and everyone we love"
Jonathon: "It's Jesus' birthday"
Me: "That's Christmas buddy"
Jonathon: "Everyday is Jesus' day" 

What does "true love" mean? 
Bella: "it means that we love you" 
Jonathon: "it means we love each other and get married" 

What does it mean to be "in love"? 
Bella: "you kiss"
Jonathon: "you get married" 

When do people get married?
Bella: "July 5th"  - at first I was shocked she was so specific but then I realized that is the date of a relatives wedding that we are attending this summer... proof that your children are ALWAYS listening.
Jonathon: "Are you going to ask any boy questions?" "I don't want to talk about this stuff" 

How old do you have to be to get married?
Bella: "20"
Jonathon: "18"

What do you love the most?
Bella: "Mommy" 
Jonathon: "Skylanders"

Who is your favorite couple?
Bella: "Mommy and Daddy"
Jonathon: "Grandma and Papa"

What is your favorite love song?
Bella: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Jonathon: (breaks out into song) "Baby my love for you... is like the price of tires... it is high... on this here  tractor" :) LOL this kid cracks me up:)

go to 7:55 on the video and you will completely understand!!!! LOL 

What do people do when they go out on a date?
Bella: "When me and Daddy go on dates we go to Build A Bear and for steak and salad, because that's what I said I wanted to do" 
Jonathon: "dinner... and I don't like going to dinner because it is soooo borrringggg" 
Me: "Well what would you want to do on a date?"
Jonathon: "Play video games or hockey" " or play with toys... but not girl toys"

How do people act when they are in love?
Bella: "they go out to dinner and hug a lot" 
Jonathon: "they are nice to each other"

Why did Mommy and Daddy get married?
Bella: "you married David because he liked you" (she laughed when she said David, she was so proud of herself for knowing/using his real name)
Jonathon: "you married Daddy because you thought you were in love with him" LOL (thought)

Are you going to get married some day?
Bella: "No because I don't want to"
Jonathon: "Yes I'm going to marry Mommy"

What do you want your boyfriend or girlfriend to be like? (confused faces)
Me: "like smart, funny, nice, pretty"
Jonathon: "I want her to like video games" 
Bella: "I don't want a boyfriend. I just like Jonny and Daddy and Daddy says I can't like boys"

So there you have it!!! My kiddos and their take on LOVE!!!! Aren't they just the cutest??


  1. Love it!!! They are so cute!
    Thank you for doing this, I loved reading their answers... Made me giggle! :)

    1. Aw I'm glad you liked it! and thank you so much for the idea:) and for being cool enough not to yell at me for stealing it!!! :)

  2. That is so cute! I laughed out loud a cople times too-the out there answers and the truthful answers are so funny(: Your hubby might be happy she said she can't have a boyfriend because daddy said so...
    I love that you documented this to have

  3. I love that you have this documented! Their answers made me laugh out loud and Jonnys made me cry with nana and papa(:
    I bet your hubby likes Bella's answer too(;
    So Cute!

    1. Thanks Chacoy:) I loved when Jonny said he would marry me! LOL
      I'm glad I documented it too... it will be fun to look back and see how they change.
