Monday, January 14, 2013

My Big Girl is 4!!!! New Bed!

Okay, so I have to admit... I have been slacking a bit on the blog. I fell behind on making my Christmas gifts, then was busy over the holidays, and after that the whole family ended up sick for a few weeks, so I am slowly starting to get caught up! Anyway I realized over my "holiday break" that I never mentioned on the blog that my sweet little Bella turned 4 years old on November 14!
 Isn't she a princess? Gorgeous, right??? She gets it from her Mommy:) 

This year she was very "anti- birthday party" which is pretty rare for her!!! She loves being the center of attention:) We had a pretty rough couple of months after my dad passed away and I think Bella was really just needing a little break in the chaos. We let her pick what she wanted to do for her special day and her choice, of course, was a date with her Daddy:) So he decided to take her to the Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Oh and of course she had to wear a "fancy" dress (and heels-which sadly you can't see in this photo). After building her very own stuffed bunny, Daddy let her pick what she wanted to do for dinner. Her choice was a steak dinner! Love that girl:)

New Books... YAY!!!!

We also had my Mom, and niece and nephew, over for cake and ice cream in the evening. Nothing to fancy, but Bella couldn't have been more excited! and totally loved all her new goodies!!!
 She is such a sweetheart! 

So she is the BIG 4 now!!!! and it seemed liked the perfect time for a MUCH needed new bed!!!! Up until now Bella had only slept in her crib and then her toddler bed. She is VERY tall for her age and has been ready for an upgrade for quite some time. Here are a few "before" shots of Bella's room. It is very SMALL and has absolutely NO storage! It has been in need of a makeover for some time, so the bed was the BEST place to start. 

Very Special thanks to Grandma (my mama) for Bella's gorgeous new bed! We found it here on Amazon. It arrived pretty quickly and we  my mom got to work right away on putting it together...with a little help from her beautiful helper! It took about an hour and a half to assemble. I was actually surprised at how easy it was. I couldn't be more happy with the quality of the bed and the extra storage is awesome! 

I have some MAJOR plans for Bella's new big girl room  (starting with some bedding) and I can't wait to get started! I promise to be back soon with an update:) 


  1. I love her new bed, I bet all that storage is going to be awesome!
    I can't wait to see it all decorated and vinyled up(;

    1. Thanks Chacoy:) and yes the storage is AWESOME for sure!!! I can't wait to start making it PRETTY... I'm sure I will have lots of ideas I need to run by you:) lol

  2. WooHoo ~ she probably loves it! I know that storage will be amazing!


    1. Bella is LOVING the new bed... and Mommy is LOVING the extra storage:)

  3. Sorry to hear of your father's passing. That must be very hard for your family. The bed is cute! I love the drawers underneath.

    1. Thanks so much Elise. Last year was definitely rough on our family, but we are looking forward to a happy and healthy 2013:)
