Monday, July 16, 2012

June Package Pals- What I Got!!!

BE WARNED: This post contains excessive use of the words LOVE, AMAZING, ADORABLE, SUPER CUTE, and CUTE! I apologize in advance for my giddy teenage girl excitement. Apparently Package Pals has the same affect on me that Justin Bieber has on a thirteen year old:) You have been warned... READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

The other day I shared with you guys the goodies that I sent to Chacoy for the C.R.A.F.T Package Pal exchange, so today I wanted to share with you all of the awesome goodies that she sent me!!! She did amazing! Everything I got was perfectly made and super cute!

Even the box was cute:)  Hello Kitty tape!!!
Ok, so onto the goodies.... for starters I got these super cute nail polishes. I seriously had to giggle when I opened these because I'm not going to lie I had been complaining for like a week that I wanted that light turquoise nail polish from Essie... I'm just too cheap and too stubborn to buy stuff like that for myself. Needless to say... my nails were painted within 10 minutes of opening the box:) I love it... and Bella is of course LOVING the purple:)

Chacoy is awesome... she made these SUPER CUTE hair clips as well... my mini me has been wearing the little Scottie's almost every day since we opened them. I can't express enough how PERFECTLY these are made. They are adorable. Chacoy is wayyyy more talented then she will admits. I am loving the mustache:) and the flowers go with everything.

Chacoy even included all the supplies to make more of the flower hair clips. I can't wait to get started making them. I am usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off in the morning, so my go to hair style these days is a VERY messy low bun and these little clips go perfectly with it. They are great for clipping up those random loose pieces that fall out and they make it look like I actually took the time to do something with my mop:)

Ok, so on to these oober cute cabochon hair pins. Oh my word... I LOVE them so much! Bobby pins are one of the few hair accessories I feel like I can actually pull of:) They are so simple and can go with any outfit and any hairstyle! Chacoy not only made me some, but again sent supplies for me to make some more of my own. Isn't she the best?

And there is more:) She also included some washi tape in my favorite color, yellow:)
 and some great little stamps.

We all know the quickest way to a Mama's heart is through her kiddos so it goes without saying that I was beyond excited when I saw these little chevron bags for my babies full of candy:)

sorry the pic is upside down- for some reason I can't get it to stay flipped

And here are my beautiful little babies (yes I know they are not babies anymore, but I refuse to accept that) hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house enjoying their treats. Sorry for the half nudey photo, they just got out of the pool. They are officially Chacoy's BIGGEST FAN!!!
 Bella said to me that night before she went to bed...
 "Mommy I love your friend from far away cuz her sends me candy. She is gonna be my friend too"
<3 that girl!

So as if all that wasn't enough I also got this AMAZING faux leather bag. Did I mention my LOVE for yellow:) I am IN LOVE with this bag. It's big, it's yellow, and it has a pink zipper... Does it get any better then that???

and of course my Rite Aid ad is laying on the counter... We all know about my Rite Aid obsession:)
During our chats Chacoy mentioned that she really likes making leather bags and bracelets, which is why I sent her a leather alphabet stamp, but when I opened up this little leather and lace bracelet I was in LOVE<3 It is so stinkin' adorable I can't stand it:) I have worn it almost every day since getting the package in the mail. Chacoy even sent along a ton of different colored ribbons that I can use to tie the bracelet, which is great because I can switch the ribbon to match any outfit!

When we were getting to know each other I mentioned to Chacoy that I love almost any craft EXCEPT for scrapbooking... I'm a horrible scrapbooker. I could spend an entire day on a page and still not be happy with it. Sometimes being a perfectionist is VERY annoying. She, however, found a way to make me rethink my anti-scrapbooking mentality:) She sent me a small "junk journal". I honestly LOVE it and have already added a few things to it:)

So finally, that is it.... definitely head over to Living In La La Land to read more about our swap and to check out the amazing before an after photos of my little junk journal.
Show my new bestie some LOVE while your there!!!!

You can also check out my post HERE with all the goodies I sent to Chacoy:)


  1. WOW!!! Look at all that awesomeness!!! LOVE it!!! Sad I did not participate this month!!!

    1. It was a great package. I have to say I am kind of loving Package Pals... that does stink you weren't able to do it this month... but the good thing is it will be back before you know it:)

  2. What an awesome package! Yellow is my favorite color too :) Thank you for participating in PP!
