Thursday, June 7, 2012

Teacher LOVE

My son attended preschool for the first time ever this year. I have to admit I was as scared or worse then he was. After the first week, my fears went away and I could see how Jonathon attending school was changing him... for the better! He is smarter, kinder, more understanding, and a better person all together from the things he has learned in school.
For all of this I give the credit to his AMAZING teacher Mrs. Kelci.
She is such a terrific teacher and woman and I am so thankful that my son had her in his life. She made his first experience with school such an enjoyable one. She has given him a love for school that hopefully he will carry with him for many years.

All that being said, today was my little man's very last day in Mrs. Kelci's class:( ***sigh
We wanted to give her and her teachers aide, Mrs. Tok something for being such a huge support to Jonathon this past year. To be honest, I have so many projects going on right now that when it came to an end of the year teacher gift, my creativity think tank was running on EMPTY... good thing there is pinterest:) So here is what we gave them...

We gave them both a stamped apple tote bag. We used a real apple as a stamp and used some decorative fabric as the leaves and puffy paints for the stem.

I couldn't have been happier with how they turned out and Jonathon was excited because he was able to stamp the apples himself. He was so excited to tell them that he did it:) - Here was my inspiration for these bags... found on pinterest here!

Inside the bag we included these little strawberry baskets with some fruit scented body wash, lotion, a candle, and even some scented nail polish:) The little tag was attached to a pencil and says "I couldn't have "picked" a better teacher". Once again my inspiration was found on pinterest here! and the little tag is a free printable!

We also included two special notes to each teacher... one from Jonathon and one from myself, thanking them for all that they have done...
Along with a gift card to the gas station that is right down the road from the school.
It is so sad to imagine that the school year is already over and that next year my "baby" will be in Kindergarten!!! Boy do they grow up fast!


  1. If I could just have an ounce of your "craftyness" :) <3 This was great idea, I'm sure they loved it!

  2. You have done a great job with this and thank's for all the work you done with Sierra's truely greatful.
