Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Herb Garden

Happy Day After Mother's Day to all of you amazing Mommy's out there!!!

A big huge Happy Mother's Day to the very best of them all, my Mom, Edie:) She is an amazing mom, grandma, wife, and best friend to so many of us. Words will never be able to describe how thankful I am to have her in my life. I do not know where I would be without her. I am truly blessed!

So with all that being said I wanted to share the little something I made for my Mom for Mother's Day. A few weeks ago we went to a flower auction where we saw some really cute Mother's Day herb baskets... Needless to say I didn't win them, but I'm happy I didn't cause I like the ones I made soooo much more and they were only a fraction of the cost.

I found some herbs for $1.00 a four pack at a local produce/ flower stand near my home... Oh the joys of living in Amish country. I ran to the greenhouse and grabbed a bag of Miracle Gro Potting Mix for $7.49 and I was ready to go. While I really liked the baskets we saw at the auction, I was having no luck finding any that were sturdy and cheap that I didn't feel like water and soil would just run right out of. So... I decided to recycle some containers I already had at my house.
I started with this metal container. My friend gave it to me a few months ago and I just never got around to using it for anything.
sorry forgot to get an empty picture of it:)

For the second herb garden I used a wooden box that I got from Goodwill like a year ago, just like the other container it was never used. I tried painting it several times, but with no success (spray paint and I are not friends yet) and eventually just shoved it out in the jungle we call a garage. When I finally dug it out it was pink, but after a few coats of white paint, it was ready to go.

So I split up and planted the herbs. No tutorial needed there... soil + plants= garden:) Once they were all planted I wanted to make some labels for the herbs so there was no confusion. The herbs I chose to use were: parsley, cilantro, oregano, mint, and basil. The metal container had a little extra space so I added an aloe plant. For the labels I used some jumbo popsicle sticks and my dads wood burner and vuala.... aren't they purrrty:) I'm not really sure why I didn't just write on them with marker, but I love the way the burnt wood looks.

So once I got the gardens all ready to go I wanted to spruce them up a bit... and here they are in all there glory! I love this project and there are so many fun ways you can switch it up. I thought it would be great to make one in a glass bowl and use it as a centerpiece on your table, or an old bucket... really the possibilities are endless. What do you think????

The wooden box:

The Metal Container:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Naomi! I am so happy with how they turned out!

  2. Very cute, I love them! You are just so darn crafty :)

  3. Haha thanks Holly!!!!
