Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Family Fun & Graduation

Hello there! I hope everyone had an amazing Memorial Day weekend! I know I sure did. It was so great to finally have the hubby home for a few days! Here's some photos from the little picnic we had yesterday at my parent's house. We had such a good time!
I am so blessed!

me and the hubby

my little man

our little princess

Oh and remember when I said my little man was graduating from Preschool last weekend?
Isn't her PERFECT!!!! I am such a proud mommy!!!! My kids are just amazing:) 

 and here is a little video!!! that's my honey in the center of the stage!
- between the boy in the black shirt and the boy in the stripes!!!

and here he is getting his diploma:)
- please don't mind what sounds like booing...
it's just my family cheering wayyy to close to the camera!

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