Friday, May 4, 2012

C.R.A.F.T - Package Pals- What I Sent!!!

Woohoo... Alicia over at The Seeley Family finally got her package that I sent to her for the Package Pals exchange over at C.R.A.F.T. (more about that here)
 So I wanted to share with you what I sent to her!

Ok so for starters I sent her a personalized burlap pillow which I hand painted with her last name. Alicia had said that her home is decorated sort of rustic so I thought the burlap would go perfectly with that. I have the same pillow on a chair on my front porch and thought it would be neat to be corny matching friends even if we are thousands of miles apart:) ...its a girl thing!

I also made her a chicken wire frame. Alicia had said that she loves making lists and being organized, and I thought this would give her a place to hang lists, receipts, etc... Plus every mom I know loves hanging up drawing or photos from their kids so this will work great for that too.  I have to say I totally struggled with this. Not that it was hard to make, but I went back and forth between leaving it with the stained wood finish or painting it and as you can tell from the pictures I took a risk and painted it red. So of course I now feel like I need to defend my choice:) I knew from talking to Alicia that she loves bright colors, but also that her house was more neutral and rustic. After reading this post over at Alicia's blog and seeing the beautiful colors in the scrapbooking paper she chose I for her key holder I decided to take the chance. I distressed the frame to make it a little more subdued and to add to the rustic feel of the chicken wire.

On the frame I added some mini clothes pins... cuz seriously who doesn't love minature stuff:) As you can see in the very top picture I put lots of little notes on the frame. I had a seperate card for each thing I sent along explaining a little about each thing and why I chose to make them. I don't know if that's because I am always so self concious about people not liking what I give them, or if I just wanted her to know how excited I was about each thing.

I used one of the pins to attach a birthday card for Alicia who will be turning 27 on May 20th. (I turned 27 last month) She is on a diet (just like me) too, but I just had to send her some kit kats, which are her favorite candy, as a little birthday treat! Happy Birthday Alicia!!!!

The last thing that I made were 3 "boo boo" packs for Alicia's three very handsome boys, basically just little sacks filled with rice that can be put in the freezer or warmed up in the microwave as needed. When I was getting to know her, I did ALOT of blog stalking!!!! and after reading this post I just had to send make these and send them. Both of my kiddos have them and absolutely LOVE them...actually my daughter sleeps with hers' at night, weird I know. I had this super cute camo fabric for forever now and thought it was perfect for her little boys. (there daddy is a hunter) I hope they love them... and hopefully they will get plenty of healing use out of them,  but if not I'm sure they will be thrown at each other like a weapon:) boys will be boys!!!!!

The very last thing I sent were some vinyl numbers that I had purchased off of around the time I got paired up with Alicia for the Package Pals exchange. I bought a couple packs and have used them around my home and LOVE them and I thought maybe she would too. If you don't shop Groopdealz you absolutely must check it out.

haha so check out the box while I was at the post office mailing it out. I had yet another blonde moment and forgot to put the command strips (for the frame, in case she wants to hang it instead of propping it up) in the box so I had to tape them to the outside of the box... haha I can't imagine her thoughts when she got the package in the mail... she was probably like "this should be good" LOL :)
 The next sign up for the exchange will be at the end of May. Remember if you are at all interested in joining in on the next Package Pal exchange over at C.R.A.F.T definitely follow her blog and be sure to sign up quickly. She only takes the first 100 people.


  1. I'm sure she will love this package. Everything you included was so thoughtful! I'm a new follower from the TT&J link party. Megan

  2. I love all my lovely gifts!!! My husband is really digging the burlap pillow. Wants to know how you painted the lettering on so good!! And my 2 older boys are sleeping with their boo boo bags tonight!! I am so happy to have been partnered with you, and have become wonderful bloggy friends!!

  3. wow- what a great package for her to receive with all of your goodies!

  4. Thank you so much ladies. I had such a great time doing with swap.

    Alicia-it's funny with the lettering on the pillow... I wish i could say i have one of those fancy silhouette machines to make a vinyl stencil to do the lettering, but i don't. I actually print the word out on my printer and use a black sharpie and trace the letters, then I fill them in with paint:) I'm hoping to do a tutorial on it later this week.

  5. The boo boo packs are such a great idea! I may have to make some for my nieces and nephews. I love the rest of your gifts too!

  6. I added notes to all my things too! I'm glad I'm not the only one ;-) I was afraid that my package pal wouldn't know how to put the lens cap leash on, plus I had a few "apology notes" for projects that didn't turn out 100% awesome but I send anyway!

