Monday, April 16, 2012

Package Pals!

Who doesn't love Jamie over at C.R.A.F.T. ??? I mean seriously
she is like the cutest thing ever and I absolutely LOVE her site.

Well this month I decided to participate in her Package Pals exchange and I must say it has been awesome. She takes 100 people and matches them up with one another. You get to email back and forth and learn about each other and then you mail each other a present!!!
Well I have to say Jamie totally amazed me... she paired me up with Alicia over at The Seeley Family and after emailing back and forth for a few days I couldn't believe how much we have in common. I mean... I totally think we would be besties in real life:) but since she is a bazillion miles away we will have to stick to being bloggy besties!!! She is so sweet and her blog is great!!! Please go visit her page and show her some bloggy love <3

This is Alicia and her hubby

and here are her 3 handsome boys!!!
So we all love presents! It can be something you make or some fun crafty supplies they can use to make things.  Anything really!!! I decided early on that I was going to make something for Alicia. I've been working on a few projects for her and I can't wait to get them off in the mail! Once I am sure she receives the package I will share with you what I have made and also what she sends to me.

This is my very first bloggy "event/swap" (whatever you call it) and I must say I am loving it so far and I am looking forward to many more!!!!!!


  1. EEEK!! I am so excited!! Now that I am home from my girls vacation and back to reality, I am super excited to start shopping and making!!!

  2. Check over to my blog!! I have awarded you with a fun Liebster Blog Award!!!
