Monday, February 27, 2012

Lighten Up

August 2011 brought us the wonderful Hurricane Irene... can you sense my sarcasm? Needless to say she was not good to the Boozer household. We had some roof damage, some fallen trees, drywall damage from water coming in through the roof, etc. Our home has not been a pretty picture since then.  So it's a new year now and I am ready to tackle this mess head on....

A lot of the water damage was in our kitchen ceiling so the drywall needed to be cut down and removed and replaced, spackled, and sanded. I am certainly no drywall expert- I will fill you in on that at a later date- Lets just say from now on I will be leaving that to the professionals, aka my father in law. Since we needed to open up the ceiling to replace the damaged drywall, my hubby- the electrician- decided it was the perfect time to replace the lights. We have been wanting to remove the light fixtures that we have for some time and replace them with recessed lights, but knew it was going to be a lot of work. Plus it was not that we didn't like the lights that were there but it drove me insane how you could look up and see dead bugs in the globes:) gross I know.

the old lights

So I have to apologize I didn't take any photos while my husband was cutting up my ceiling to put in the cans, but let me just say it did not go as smoothly as planned. Keep in mind my home is about 25 years old and the codes for construction were much different back then. Our plan was to add 6 lights in a very specific pattern, but after cutting 11+ holes in the ceiling and running into pipes and wires and duct work in our ceiling our plan was lost in the wind.

So after hours and hours of my husband being cranky we finally "made it work". Needless to say the lights are not in the exact locations that we had planned, but I still love the way they look. It totally opens up the space and makes the room feel much larger. I couldn't be happier; plus they are dimmable:)

We also replaced the light fixture over our kitchen table with this little pendant light. I like it.... but I don't love it!!!! so that might find a new home someday. I love the burlap-ish looking shade, but I'm not in love with the size of the shade or the finish on the pole that it hangs from. Our hardware on our cabinets is brushed nickle as well as our curtain rod and the light is more of a black or rustic finish- nothing a little spray paint can't fix.

While the kitchen is off to a good start, there is still so much to do!!!!


  1. That is so crazy!! I would not know what to do in that situation besides freak out!!! And of course I am your newest follower!!

  2. made a fun post about our swap!!! can't wait to get started!!!
