Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Love Jar

Well the holidays are finally over and things are just starting to settle down so I thought I would share the cute little gift I made my hubby for Christmas this year! I was super excited this year to be making so many handmade gifts, but before I knew it time had really gotten away from me. It was only a few days before Christmas and I still had not even decided what I was going to be giving the old man as a gift...not good!
Just a quick run down of my hubby- he is your typical mans man! works all day and comes home and watches sports all night:) he plays roller hockey in a league a few nights a week and poker with his buddies weekly... I don't think he has a feminine side and if he does he is most definitely NOT in touch with it!!! :) LOL but this year I decided to take a chance.
I was checking out a holiday gift party at Tatertots and Jello when I ran across a post from For The Luv of Boys where I saw these super cute conversation jars... I thought they were adorable and instantly thought they would be fun and easy to make... so I decided to  make my hubby a jar full of reasons why I love him!!!

I used her excel sheet and deleted all the conversation questions so I would already have the lines laid out! Then I began "the list"... all the reasons why I love him! Let me tell you, we have been together for 9 years, since I was only 16 years old, and married for 5 years now...but boy was it hard. I started off thinking I was going to come up with 365 reasons. (so he could take out one to read everyday for an entire year) but quickly decided that that was not going to be an easy task. Not that I don't love him ALOT, but after the first hundred it was hard not to sound repetitive or seem to generic. I also included in the jar some special moments that really stand out to me from our past.
Once I had my list all finished I printed it out onto scrapbook paper (make sure it is white on one side)  and cut the strips apart. I then took each strip of paper and wrapped it around a pencil to make it curly.(feel free to do more then one at a time, up to three is easy and hold a nice shape)  It really gave them such a cute look! I found a cheap little penny jar at Walmart for $2.99 and stuffed the strips inside. I also found some cute scrapbooking stickers and decorated the outside of the jar which was so much fun!!!!

I gave the "Love Jar" to my hubby on Christmas morning and while he didn't jump for joy or break down into tears... (which I didn't expect at all, but did kind of hope for) LOL ... I definitely think he LOVED the jar and truly appreciated all of the time and energy I put into it! 

While I was working on it, I kept thinking how great it would be to make an "inspirational jar" full of inspirational or motivational quotes, or maybe a jar full of bible scriptures. I also thought it would be a great idea to write down something I am thankful for everyday and add them to the jar over the next year, then after an entire year I could open the jar and look back and all the amazing things I was thankful for.
It was definitely a fun and inexpensive project to make... but was FULL OF LOVE! This would make a great gift for Valentine's Day, which is quickly approaching!


  1. Years ago I read a similar idea (I think in a magazine) and have given "101 reasons I love you" jars to various people. But, I LOVE that you decorated yours and even curled the paper slips. And writing one thing you are thankful for each day and putting it in a jar is an awesome idea. I think it would be a good exercise for my family and I to do. I usually thank God each night for 5 things that happened each day, but it's easy to forget two weeks from now, all the great things that happened. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sharon thanks so much for such a kind comment... I'm glad you found some inspiration in my post:) That is such a good idea to thank God every night for 5 things. I sometimes think we spend so much time asking God for things we sometimes forget to thank him for what he has already given us. Thank you for sharing!
