Saturday, March 15, 2014

File This One Under SUCCESS

Who doesn't love a good up-cycle? I know I sure do. 
And we can "file" this one under SUCCESS!! (I crack myself up) LoL  
This week we had a few sunny days (WOOHOO) so I decided to tackle my mess of a garage and to help me get organized I turned an ordinary filing cabinet into an awesome storage solution!

Filing Cabinets are extremely inexpensive ($29 at Walmart) but can often be found at yard sales/Goodwill/etc for even cheaper and can be used in so many different ways. 
I was lucky enough to have this one given to me from a good friend! (Thanks Naomi)

There is obviously no tutorial needed for this one! I just removed the drawers, added a few coats of spray paint, tipped it on its back, and stuffed it with goodies. 

I am so excited about the way it turned out. It was the PERFECT solution to our hockey stick mess! (My son and hubby are a bit obsessed) and as an added bonus it also holds all of our rakes and shovels. 
A little bit of work and a little bit of play :) 

Now the only question that remains is how on earth with I use these leftover drawers???
Hmmm... You will have to stay tuned to find out! 

(notice there is still plenty of garage mess to clean up) booooo
My name is Shannon and I am a hoarder. 



  1. I LOVE it and never would have thought to do that with a filing cabinet!!
    (Looks like their is more play then work;)

  2. what a great upcycle!!! perfect storage!!! Emily@nap-timecreations
